One Direct Democracy

Consequences Of Importing Russian Oil

Consequences Of Importing Russian Oil

Consequences Of Importing Russian Oil

If the President or Prime Minister of your country said, we’re going to start importing 55% of the natural gas we need, 52% of the coal we need and 34% of mineral oil we need for our country from Russia. How would you respond? 

If that’s not something that people should be voting on, what is?

The Russia Ukraine war has highlighted some major issues that lead you to question your country’s energy independence and foreign trade policies.

Check out the listing for this topic: How Can The EU Stop Importing Russian Oil ASAP

The reality is that we have reached a point in time in our evolution where Representative Democracy no longer serves the will of the people.
That’s why I created One Direct Democracy. It’s a movement for upgrading the global democratic system by taking the power away from politicians and putting it in the hands of the people by using direct democracy.
I’ve created the technology, a framework for direct democracy and a plan for how to make it happen. We don’t have to convince any politicians or powerful people to do anything to make this happen. We have the power to do it on our own. We just have to decide to do it.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about or you want more information about me or about One Direct Democracy, check out links at the bottom of this page. Direct Democracy is the purest form of democracy. Representative Democracy is an outdated blunt instrument.
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